Here you can download a copy of YourSites if you have a valid subscription.

Joomla 5 Support

Joomla 4.4 and 5 compatibility for management component and client plugin with ongoing support for client plugins in Joomla 3.8+, Joomla 4.x and Joomla 5.

Both the management component and client plugin should run in Joomla 5 without the need to enable the backwards compatibility plugin. If you encounter any problem please let us know and we will seek to resolve the issues ASAP.

We always recommend that you make sure your client sites are backed up before relying on YourSites - just as you should when applying upgrades using Joomla directly on your client sites. Yoursites provides an interface to Akeeba Backup Professional on your client sites so you can initiate the creation of these backups from your YourSites server.

Access Your Download ID(s)

Here you can download a copy of YourSites that should run in Joomla 3.x if you have a valid subscription. We cannot guarantee that the client plugin will work with Joomla 5.

We always recommend that you make sure your client sites are backed up before relying on YourSites - just as you should when applying upgrades using Joomla directly on your client sites. Yoursites provides an interface to Akeeba Backup Professional on your client sites so you can initiate the creation of these backups from your YourSites server.

Access Your Download ID(s)

We wrote this small plugin to be installed and uninstalled instantly whilst performing a quick check against the database to see if you have any duplicate users which could cause an issue with the Joomla 3.9.16 upgrade.

This plugin will simply check for duplicate users, output a message on screen if duplicate users were found and with a note of the usernames. It will then also email you with information of the duplicated users and the name of the site and of course a link to your site in question.

You can also install this via the YourSites Extension installer which will process it across all sites very very quickly and you will have all responses in your email, or you can click the + on the information about the install on each task.

It's also worth noting, you can use this with and also services. We believe in being inclusive in helping the community wherever we can!

We are happy for any feed back :-)

This plugin removes all data left behind by the myJoomla plugin and also removes files left behind. Once it has finished, it then removes it's self just like magic.

For more information please see:

We love every single one of our users, without you YourSites simply couldn't happen! So we would love a review at the Joomla! JED so we can let others know about us too, please take a minute to write a review:

If you feel you have something negative to say, we would implore you to speak to us first, as we really really don't want anyone to be unhappy!