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Set up a scheduled task and you can:

  • Check that your client sites are not down
  • Check that specific URLs are loading correctly
  • Check for Joomla or WordPress updates
  • Check for extension updates
  • Generate backups automatically

More features added all the time.

Can you relate to these questions?


Wasting time upgrading Joomla, WordPress and extensions on client websites?

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Wasting Time Managing Sites

Do you spend hours managing site updates or checking settings on client sites? With YourSites you can manage all your Joomla and WordPress client sites from your own private website. This can be on your local PC, on an online server, on an intranet or behind a firewall.

Free up your time to work on building your business and adding value to your clients.


Paying too much for online site management services?

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Paying Too Much For Site Management Services?

With YourSites you manage your client sites from your own private website. No more charges based on how many sites you manage with an online site management service.

With the Enterprise version of YourSites there is no limit to the number of sites you can manage.


Worried about the confidentiality and security of your client data and sites?

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Don't Want to Share Client and Site Data?

Do you want to limit where your client and site data is stored? Do you have geographic restrictions on where client data is stored or transmitted? Not sure about passing this data to an online service and you'd prefer to keep control of your client data.

With YourSites you manage your client sites from your own private website and you can be as paranoid as you'd like about access to this website. You can run YourSites behind a firewall or on your own PC.


Can't use site management services on intranet or behind firewall?

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Firewalls Blocking Site Management Services?

With YourSites you manage your client sites from your own private website and this can be behind a firewall or on your own PC.


Don't want to share your business secrets with online services?

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Don't want to share your business secrets with online services?

If you manage your client sites with YourSites you don't need to let anyone know how how many sites you manage, which sites they are or how successful your business is. YourSites doesn't share any information about how many and which sites you manage.

We do perform a count of managed sites within the YourSites code on your website in order to make sure you are using the correct version of YourSites but this is not passed to us or anyone else.

With the Enterprise version of YourSites there is no limit to the number of sites you can manage and no-one outside your business needs to now which sites they are or even how many you manage.


Worried about impact of GDPR on your use of site management services?

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Worried about impact of GDPR?

Do you want to keep the number of organisations processing, or with access to, your client data to the bare minimum. With YourSites you manage your client sites from your own private website - no third parties or online services are involved.